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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

North Park AYSO Region 785


Frequently Asked Questions


What is AYSO North Park about?  North Park AYSO follows the six philosophies of AYSO:

  1. Everyone plays - AYSO’s goal is for kids and adults to play soccer, so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least 50 percent of every game.  For U10 and above, our Section mandate is that all players play ¾ of a game - no player shall play 4 quarters until all players on a team have played at least ¾ of the game.

  2. Balanced Teams - Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible, providing a stronger learning experience for teams as they play teams comprised of similar ability. It also allows for each player to experience playing with a wide variety of teammates of different skill levels.

  3. Open Registration - If you want to play soccer, AYSO welcomes you and gives all youth and adults the opportunity to register and play.

  4. Positive Coaching - A coach can be one of the most influential people in a player’s life, so AYSO requires they create a positive experience for every player in AYSO. Additionally, encouraging player’s effort leads to greater enjoyment, improved skills and stronger motivation in players.

  5. Good Sportsmanship - We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our programs are designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

  6. Player Development - All players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, to maximize their enjoyment of the game.

How are age groups determined?  All age groups are based on birth year.  You will see an age group listed as U6, U8, U10, etc.  This means that the player will be under 6, under 8, etc during the course of the season.  So for example - a player in U8 will be six or seven years old during the course of the season.  The player cannot turn 8 during the calendar year - that would put them in the U10 age group.  With the exception of Jamboree and U6, a player will spend two seasons in an age group.

How do you balance teams?  For age groups U6 and U8, it is based solely on birth dates.  We try to have an even distribution of players based on age.

For age groups U10 and above, we rely on a couple of things.  Player evaluations/grades from the previous season from the coaches is first.  Then, an evaluation for new players before the season starts.  Then, if no evaluation exists, we base it on birth date with an even distribution of ages across teams and age group.

Balancing teams is an inexact science, but we do the best we can with the information available to us.

My child is ‘x’ years old.  They have a late birthday.  Why are they playing against kids much older than them?  See above.  Birth year is the ultimate determining factor.  Example - U10 age group for the 2024 season is birth years 2015/2016.  A player born Jan. 1 2015 could play against a kid born Dec. 30 2016.

My child is small/young/inexperienced.  Can they play down an age group?  No.

Can my child play up an age group?  This is determined on a case by case basis; but we generally encourage kids to play in their age group.

My child has never played before and I don’t…. Shhhhh.  That’s ok!  This is the perfect place for them to learn!  Get a ball and have them kick it against a wall or with a friend as much as possible.  For the younger kids, this is the best way to learn.

Can I request a specific coach?  No.  This becomes a logistical nightmare for administration and goes against our attempt to create balanced teams.

What Equipment does my child need? 
All players must have the following equipment.
  • Soccer ball
  • Water bottle
  • Shin guards
  • Soccer cleats
Soccer ball size by age group
  • U6 - size 3
  • U8 - size 3
  • U10 - size 4
  • U12 - size 4
  • U14 - size 5

Can I have my child play on their friend’s team for friendship/carpool/ease of life reasons?  No.  We understand the desire for this, but again; it becomes a logistical nightmare.

Can my children play on the same team?  Where appropriate (age group/gender), we will pair siblings in the same household together.

Can I request a specific day/time/practice location?  No.  Practice schedule is at the discretion of the volunteer head coach.  Want to have complete control over your practice schedule?  Volunteer to coach at AYSO Coaches

When will I know what team my child is on?  Only once we have enough head coaches for all the teams in a division will we start to create teams.  The sooner we have enough coaches, the sooner we can create teams and start practicing.  This varies by age group.  Want your age group to start ASAP?  Volunteer to coach!

When do practices start?   Generally practices start early to mid August.  The sooner we have enough coaches for a division, the sooner those teams will start.  May I suggest volunteering?  Become a coach!

When will I know my child’s practice schedule?  Schedules are at the discretion of the head coach.  Once a division is filled, we create teams, coaches request their schedule, and then coaches notify parents of the team schedule. By the - coaching can be a lot of fun - you should try it!

When and where are games held?  All home games for North Park AYSO are played Saturdays at Morley Field in North Park.  All games for the U10 and below age groups are played in North Park.  For age groups U12 and older, some travel is required within San Diego County.

How long is the season?  Fall 2024 season starts September 7th and ends November 9th.  Our end of season tournament, the Phil Mages Cup, will be played November 16th.

What about postseason play?  Age group winners for U10, U12, and U14 in North Park get to represent North Park at the Area 11R Tournament of Champions in early December where they play against teams from across our AYSO Area.  If a team wins this tournament, they win the right to represent Area 11R at the Section 11 tournament at the start of February.

What about all-stars?  All-stars is for U10, U12, and U14.  All-stars is a try-out based program with tryouts typically in early November.  The all-star Area tournament is played in January, with winners advancing to the Section tournament in February.

I registered my child, but they were placed on the waitlist.  When will we know if they make a team?  Waitlist is first come, first served.  We inevitably have kids drop.  The first kid on the waitlist will be placed on the team with the open spot.  Once a child has been activated from the waitlist, you have approximately 36 hours to accept and pay the registration fee before we move on to the next player on the waitlist.

I registered my child, but we are no longer able to play.  How do I request a refund?  We will issue refunds for the registration fee (minus the National Player fee of $25 which we cannot refund) through the first weekend of games.  Past that, refunds are at the discretion of the Registrar (injuries, moving, etc).  If you are requesting a refund, please email [email protected] and [email protected].  

I want to help out, but I have no soccer experience.  That’s ok!  The current Regional Commissioner never played soccer, and didn’t coach until 2018.  And now he’s running the whole thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I want to help out, but I don’t have time to coach.  What can I do?  Become a referee!  We always need more referees.  Referees get to pick their own schedule.  You can referee every Saturday, or every other Saturday, or once a month.  It’s up to you.  And you can start as an assistant referee on the sideline.  We have great referees that will be happy to train you.  Plus, you get a cool shirt.

What equipment does my player need?  Your player should come to practice wearing shorts, shin guards, and soccer cleats (soccer shoes). The shin guards must be worn against the skin with soccer socks over them. Players should also bring their own water bottle. Some coaches may ask for the player to bring a soccer ball.

What about jewelry, casts, and eyeglasses? Hard casts and jewelry are not permitted on the soccer field, since they can be a safety hazard. Prescription glasses may be worn, but be sure they’re secured with an eyeglass holder.

We STRONGLY encourage players to not get new piercings leading up to, or during, the soccer season.  There are some referees that will not let a child play, even if there is tape over the ear.

Any other way I can help?  You can help us run the website, social media, uniform distribution, setting up the fields in the morning - grab an oar and start paddling.  It’s a great way to meet your neighbors.

Your entire region is poorly run and awful.  May I suggest becoming regional commissioner?  All the information you need can be found in the AYSO Yellow Book.

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North Park AYSO

PO Box 3872 
San Diego, California 92163

Email Us: [email protected]
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